News and reviews
Last week I had a short story published in this anthology and I've spent many minutes this week reading the reviews. This is my first time having my fiction reviewed by people I don't know. I've participated and sought out critiques of unfinished work for many years, but reading reviews by people who have spent actual money (maybe) for something I wrote, that's a new thing for me. I like it. I am glad I have waited so long to get into this publishing thing because I am not emotionally invested in the reviews, I am elated that my writing is being read. I want to connect with people and make them feel feelings.
Here are some reviews:
This story was not at all what I was expecting. Selia has a crush on the woman in the mail room, but she never does anything about it. Instead, plants start growing in her. Huh? Yeah, that's what I thought, too, but this story is beautifully written, prose-y and soulgrabbing, and very unexpected. I will be seeking out more by Marolyn Krasner for sure.
This is easily the best story in the anthology. Not only is the writing incredible, the story’s concept is unique. It’s more literary than romance, which is fine by me. The main character’s feelings were so familiar and easy to relate to. The end made me cry, not out of sadness but out of a sense the main character had triumphed. Every woman should read this story regardless of her orientation. 5 stars
Pretty interesting concept, and a bit out there, but far fetched as far as romance goes. There was really only 1 MC with a crush in the periphery. This was mostly just about Selia and some weird plant growth that she gets.
4.5 Stars
The events leading up to why Selia needs to speak with someone from the Rare Plant Society are a little bizarre, but different from the norm and I enjoyed that. The concept of what happens to her when she has low self-esteem, and how it also helps her to realizes she is beautiful in unique and kept me interested in knowing how it would turn out for her.
I love podcasts so much. I can't really do housework without listening to them now. I was on this podcast a while back talking about my soon to be release debut novel The Radicals. CLICK HERE to listen.